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The Gallery of Lost Art (Original title)The Shooting Gallery[12/08/2014] (Alternative title)
Date: 12 August 2014 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Susan Doyon

Synopsis: Lost Art: The new series continues with a selection of micro-documentaries from the multi-award winning Tate-Channel 4 collaboration The Lost Art project. Nine films tell the stories of some of the most famous pieces of art of 20th century that have been lost, stolen, erased or destroyed. The films include the return of a piece of art stolen by the Nazis, a brief glimpse inside the Art Loss Register and the wrapping of the Reichstag, as well as work by Frida Kahlo, Francis Bacon and Jake Chapman. © C4 Publicity


Painting (fine art), Theft, Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954), Francis Bacon (1909-1992), Chapman, Dinos (1962- ), Chapman, Jake (1966- )

Series title:
Shooting Gallery
TV Transmissions
Date: 12 August 2014Broadcast channel: Channel FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 00:00-00:25Digital Terrestrial - Dialogue (original): English - Colour - Sound

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)

Accessible materials to view(1)
Description: MP4TX date: 2014-08-12BFI identifier: N-396892
Status: Viewing

Digital materials(2)
Description: 50IDuration: 00:24:02 minutesD10 - TX date: 2014-08-12BFI identifier: N-396891
Status: Master

Description: MP4TX date: 2014-08-12BFI identifier: N-396892
Status: Viewing